Day 30 (Last Day): Why is horoscope so addicting?

The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readJan 31, 2019

It’s interesting how much we value the horoscope page of our newspapers and magazines. These are my views:

  1. It gives you meaning to a miserable life.
  2. It helps to explain who you are.
  3. It classifies you with other people so you don’t feel alone.

So why are these important? In this miserable journey of life, we encounter different people and different experience. All these uncertainties are not instilled in our body system. Our body hates uncertainties. We prefer to have control. We prefer to have a routine. We prefer to know what is happening tomorrow. So, wouldn’t it be easier if someone can predict your life for you? Ta-da! Horoscope does the job!


It’s funny how my relatives would say: “You are being a Gemini, that’s why you can never make up your mind! Because you have two of them!” Well, there are always two sides to a coin. Why not making up my mind is a characteristic of my horoscope?

My advice is to DON’T be rigid and inflexible about things being told to you. Things can change, one size DOESN’T fit all.


Not all decisions we make are rational. So how does your horoscope relate to that? For example, some people cheat in their relationships. Geminis are always one of the top candidates for being a cheater, that’s because Geminis love novelty. They love the idea of adventure and new experience. Is this a fair judgment on Geminis? I don’t think so.


As human beings, we are social animals, we prefer to be close to our other human beings. Since we are all idiosyncratic, how can we classify ourselves? Ta-da! Horoscope saves the day! By identifying yourself with other people, you feel belonged to a social category. This once again makes some people feel better about themselves.


How you view horoscope is completely up to you. I see horoscope as a way of settling my mind. When I am anxious and in self-doubt, I might go to my daily horoscope and sooth myself. But I realise these only happens when I struggle to make a decision. When I am confident of myself, I don’t even have time to examine my horoscope.

