Do This Before Cutting Negative People Out of Your Life

Norell Hōshin Leung
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readMay 22, 2018


One of the most popular meme themes on Instagram are these give-no-fuck outcries to:

“Cut negative people out of your life right now! You deserve it!”

Woah, hold your horses before you hit that unfriend button.

You also deserve to grow and evolve.

You deserve to end the vicious cycle of these people entering your life again and again. Cut off a snake’s head without a thought, and two more grow in its place.

Without unpacking the wisdom made available to you through deconstructing your dissatisfying relationships, Pretty soon, you’re going to have a hundred-headed snake after you.

This is about more than the users, flakes, and moochers. This goes beyond the jellyfish with their passive aggressive comments poorly cased as compliments.

This is about you. You have been presented with a golden opportunity to learn 2 things:

  1. What about your own energy is attracting dissatisfying relationships.
  2. The choices you have to adjust your energy to surround yourself with affirmation and positivity.



Norell Hōshin Leung
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

The final and strongest order felt in the world today is the illusion of masculine being separate from feminine.