Finding Your Late 20s Depressing? It’s Not You, It’s a Stage

Ahmed Muneeb
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readAug 2, 2018


Photo by Jared Sluyter on Unsplash

Our entire 20s are full of transitions, mental growth and development. It is frustrating, confusing and could end up being very depressing.

Its a time period where we are laying the foundation for the future, and a period of where there will be a lot of trial and error.

Our early 20s: We are usually in the same place and in the same stage with the rest of the people we meet (aka our social circle). We are in college, broke, working a part time job to cover our expenses. Then we reach 22 and that social circle is looking ahead in different directions. Some may be looking at graduate school, medical school, business or law school, etc. while others will start to break in to the workforce focusing on their career causing them to move away. Meanwhile another group will do the same but have that time divided up in to their respective relationships.

Our late 20s: Conventionally a period of where we are more “grounded” or “settled” in a lot of the explorations we have made throughout our early-mid 20s and transitioning to real adulthood, facing major obligations.

  1. Comparisons. This is really the core to why we feel anxious or downright depressed. We fall for this comparison trap and it is pretty easy to do especially with social media. We analyze and start to think…



Ahmed Muneeb
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Sr. Mgmt Consultant @ InfosysConsulting. Writer. Contributor on @thestartup_, @TheAscentPub, @thrive, and @thoughtcatalog. 2M+ views and counting. Views my own.