Full Transparency: Let’s Talk About Freelance Writing Rates

As told by a full-time freelance writer

Victoria A. Fraser
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Tatiana Syrikova/Pexels

Freelance writers and their clients should be transparent about their rates. If we want to create an industry where writers are paid a fair rate, it starts with honest communication.

We should all be more upfront about how much we earn in any industry because, too often, it’s not consistent. We’ve all heard about the gender pay disparity between men, women, and minority groups. Recent statistics show women still only earn 81 cents for every dollar men earn, something I experienced in several jobs.

7 years, a university degree and many jobs later, I now work full-time writing online for clients, and I decide my own wage. I’ve been grinding for 9 months and earn more than I have at any other job I’ve ever worked (and I’ve done a lot of jobs). I’ve even started helping another freelance writer land clients, and she had a recurring question I knew I had to discuss:

What should I charge as a freelance writer?

Here are questions to help you decide on rates at the start of your writing journey and after you’ve got experience under your belt, based on my experiences and the various prices I’ve charged.

What’s your time worth?



Victoria A. Fraser
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Freelance copywriter, humourist, podcaster, and nerd. Follow along for writing tips, marketing blather, and my opinions! victoriafraser.ca