Here’s How to Live a Life You’re Incredibly Proud of

“Most people can’t say they are incredibly proud of who they are.” -Anthony Moore

Reece Robertson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readJun 12, 2018


The sad truth is most people cannot say they’re incredibly proud of — or even happy with their life.

Most people lead lifestyles that leave them bored, lonely and unsatisfied but will do very little to change it.

Often, they’ll say it’s “impossible” to live a life you’re incredibly proud of without amass amount of fame or fortune.

But they couldn’t be more wrong.

You Only Have to Be Proud of Yourself

“Be proud of who you are and not ashamed of how someone else sees you.” -Unknown

Many people spend a lifetime trying to make others proud of them.

And don’t get me wrong, I spend many years trying to please other people. I long wanted to be good enough, smart enough, strong enough, and funny enough to meet other people’s standards.

But I learned one thing:

You cannot directly control how anyone else thinks or feels about you.

