Here’s What I Learned Working a Minimum Wage Job

I walked a mile in someone else’s shoes — and it was humbling

Luba Sigaud
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Alexander Mils/Unsplash

A few years ago, I decided to accept a job that paid $10.50/hour.

At the time, I was just a teen struggling to put herself through college on her own. And though I was used to being paid significantly more than the minimum wage, I was in a tight spot and in no position to be picky.

So when I saw that a delivery company was hiring seasonal helpers to make Christmas deliveries easier for drivers, I applied — and was hired on the spot.

It was a whole new world for me.

For my first day on the job, my brother dropped me off because I didn’t even own a car yet.

Now, even though I was already paying for college out-of-pocket then, I look back and realize how working that job opened my eyes to the fact I grew up with privilege.

When I was little, I never had to worry about what I was going to eat or wear — my parents gave me everything I needed until I was old enough to make my own money and pay my own bills. In many ways, I had it easy.

But I digress.

A mile in their shoes



Luba Sigaud
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

French twenty-something. Unbroken optimist. I love to learn, laugh, and write. Reach me here: