Hey! Want To Write For Us?

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
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2 min readJan 13, 2017

Happy Friday everybody!

The Post-Grad Survival Guide passed 1,000 followers the other day (WOOHOO), and I wanted to offer you all the chance to write for our growing audience.

I originally set out to post five solid articles per week by myself, but I realize now if I want to add any kind of variety to the Guide, I’ll have to stop doing it on my own.

I want to hear about your experiences, your perspectives, and your goals.

I want to learn from you, really.

So, I’m open to submissions from anybody. And I mean anybody.

You don’t have to be in college, recently graduated, or a millennial to write for us.

Here’s what I’m looking for:

  1. The Guide has five different categories: Encouragement, Productivity, Personal Relationships, Finding A Job, and Purpose. Some of these categories are specific, while others are pretty broad. I believe this gives you a wide target to aim for. Any submissions focusing on these categories are more than welcome.
  2. I want 200–300 word posts. Some of my articles are longer than others, but for the most part I stick to this length. People are busy!
  3. If you want to pitch a story, email me your idea or draft link at postgradsurvivalguide@gmail.com.
  4. I ask that everyone pitching a story please introduce themselves to me via email. I want to get to know you!

While it’s still in its infancy, I believe the Guide can expand pretty quickly with the help of other fantastic writers.

So, are you in?

Shoot me an email and we’ll be in touch!

Have you followed us on Facebook and Twitter yet?

