How a Job Application Rekindled New Confidence in an Old Dream

It’s time I took my work seriously

Declan Wilson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Carlos Arthur M.R/Unsplash

I guess it started when they demoted me to customer service.

It wasn’t exactly the career trajectory I envisioned for myself. Fresh out of college, an industrial engineering degree in tow, I landed a job at a pretty well-known company. Let’s call them The Big Ketchup Company.

A few weeks into the job, a couple of billionaires bought The Big Ketchup Company and completely gutted the business, inside and out.

I was young and cheap, so instead of firing me, they sent me to the customer service department.

Again, I had a degree in industrial engineering. I guess the new bosses forgot to check their notes.

Anyway, tired of being pushed around, I wanted a change of scenery. So I applied to a different company. Let’s call them The Big Medicine Company.

I did all the proper things. I put together a resume with all of my relevant work experience (sans the customer service stint). I made sure to highlight the metrics I achieved, the numbers I hit, and the business jargon I mastered.

You know how it goes, it’s all smoke and mirrors. And bullet points — got to have the bullet points.

