How I Managed to Recover From Complete Burnout

Two years ago, I burned out. Now I’m ready to talk about it

Adete Dahiya
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


I vividly recall this one Sunday in the December of 2019, when I was sitting on my bathroom floor and just crying.

I remember thinking, “Will I ever stop feeling like this?”

It had been a few months into quitting my job and starting a new business. Despite things picking up on the business front, I felt extremely overwhelmed and constantly on the verge of a breakdown. Slowly I started withdrawing from people, from stepping outside the house and eventually putting any effort into what I had so passionately started.

It wasn’t until things came to a complete halt a few months later that I realized that this breakdown resulted from burnout.

Whether you’re a creative, a business owner, or someone working a 9-to-5, burnout is real, and it can affect anyone. It’s scary, and unfortunately, it’s something that has become increasingly common in today’s world.

Many people blame “hustle culture” for this, and to some extent, they are right. In the current scenario, we highly romanticize working our asses off. Even the idols we look up to as a society propagate this sphere of constant work and grind.

The pros and cons of…



Adete Dahiya
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Sharing ideas on how to live & work better | Writer & artist pursuing MA in Psychology I Subscribe to read more: