How I Navigated the Job Market With a “Useless” Degree

3 strategies that worked for me

Nino Padilla
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Eric Francis on Unsplash

Before anything, I want to clarify that I don’t consider any degree useless. Pursuing any study if done for the sake of learning is never a waste.

However, when I applied for jobs after graduation, many employers told me my philosophy degree isn’t practical. They believed that taking humanities or social science degrees is useless.

They’re right. If my sole purpose was to make money, I should’ve pursued a different degree. But since I wanted something more, I knew I was on the right track.

I’m a philosophy major and I don’t believe my education is useless. While it’s true that I didn’t learn in-demand skills like coding and business expertise, I learned a lot of essential things.

After 100+ applications and more than 30 interviews, I landed a corporate job I enjoy. To those of you in the same situation, let me share with you a few things that worked for me.

1. Frame the situation to highlight your strengths

Having taken a humanities degree, I knew I didn’t have any technical knowledge about business or coding. Most jobs today require these skills. But I believe the knowledge I gained from philosophy can be useful to…



Nino Padilla
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

I grapple with life's most important questions to learn how to live.