How I Plan to Double My Income Within 3 Years

A realistic approach of side-hustling my way to 6 figures while keeping a full-time job

The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Damir Spanic/Unsplash

I’m already making around half of what I’m aiming for from my full-time job. And I’m planning on keeping that, so this amount is included in the following calculations. But let’s take a look at how I’m planning to double my total income to 6 figures within the next three years. Hopefully, even sooner.

My following report depends on 5 key business avenues to further explore this year and beyond. Moreover, it relies on my full-time job, as eluded to earlier, and, lastly, it’s based on vigorously watching my expenses. That’s just a bonus, though. It won’t count towards my goal.

With this in mind, here are my 5 business ventures or side-hustles — in no particular order — that I’m trying to evolve and advance in the next 3 years.

1. Creating YouTube videos without talking or being in front of the camera

Confession: I’d love to make — for lack of a better word — “real” YouTube videos. Standing in front of the camera, shooting A and B-roll, editing, setting up a regular schedule, etc.



The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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