How I’ve Made $250,000 Writing Online In 3 Years

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
5 min readFeb 11, 2021


Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash


After compiling all my 1099’s and other tax forms a week ago, that’s the number that came up.

I made $125,000 in 2020.

It made the hair on my neck raise up.

How is that even possible? I’m just a kid. There’s loads of better writers out there. This isn’t new for me, either. I’ve made $250,000 online since 2017.

What could I possibly have to offer that’s worth a quarter of a million dollars?

Well, I’m going to break it all down for you right now. Here’s how I’ve made $250,000 writing online in the last three years.

Online Courses — $190,000

I’ve created two online courses since 2017: Medium Mastery and LinkedIn Mastery. Basically, I teach people how to grow an audience on Medium and LinkedIn.

My Medium course was one of the first on the market — if not THE first — and after gaining a couple thousand followers on LinkedIn in 2018 I decided to teach people how to grow there, too.

