How Much Money Should You Invest in Stocks?

Get started investing with just $5.

Todd Lincoln, MBA
Investor’s Handbook


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

When young professionals first start investing in the stock market, there are two types of “how much money” questions that come up:

  • How much money do I need to start investing in stocks?
  • How much money should I invest in stocks?

These are two very different questions.

“How much money do I need to start investing in stocks?” is about the minimum necessary to get started investing.

Whereas, “How much money should I invest in stocks?” is about how much of your personal savings should you allocate to stock market investing.

Let’s tackle each of them.

How Much Money Do I Need to Start Investing in Stocks?

Technically, there’s no minimum amount of money needed to start investing in stocks. But you probably need at least $200 — $1,000 to really get started right.

Most brokerages have no minimums to open an account and get started buying stocks. So theoretically, you could open an account today with just $1.

That said, there are three factors that set a natural floor on how little money you can start investing with. In general, you…



Todd Lincoln, MBA
Investor’s Handbook

Stock-market investor, battle-scarred entrepreneur, and fireside philosopher. Creator of Investor’s Handbook: