How Successful People Achieve Their Goals: 5 Motivation Techniques

Nicolas Cole
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readJul 21, 2020


As someone who has spent the vast majority of my Friday nights ever since I was a teenager grinding my face off toward whatever goal I had set for myself, let me share some of the ways I have learned to make the Friday grind more fun.

1. Reward yourself.

One of the things that makes continuing to work on a Friday so difficult is when you try to treat it like any other weekday.

The truth is, we are not robots. We need to reward ourselves a little bit in order to change up the flow and treat the night differently. That way, we don’t feel left out.

Reward yourself by buying dinner wherever it is you’re craving. That’s easily the best way to make the day feel different and to get you moving in a positive direction.

Treat yourself, and if you’re really feeling crazy, maybe even get some dessert too.

2. Turn on a silent movie.

This is something that made me feel a lot less alone as a teenager — and is a tactic I still use today.

Back then, I devoted every single Friday night to sitting in front of my computer grinding out some mind-numbing quest in the World of Warcraft with the hopes of achieving a reward, acquiring better gear…



Nicolas Cole
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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