How to Avoid Job Search Burnout

Job searching is stressful, but there are ways you can manage it

Alina Ren
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readMay 19, 2020


Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters/Unsplash

Looking for a job is not easy. It can be exhausting constantly refining your resume and doing interviews. Sifting through hundreds of job listings can become overwhelming and can oftentimes feel discouraging and endless. And there’s often lots of rejection that you have to face, or companies just straight up ghosting you.

To make matters worse, lots of jobs have multiple rounds of interviews these days and tests to study for. Job hunting is tough, and it’s important to acknowledge that and take the necessary steps to take care of yourself.

Practice Self Care

When I searched for a job, I found myself getting sucked in quite often. I felt like I had to spend all my spare time applying to jobs. Every time I was waiting for something, or taking a break, I was on my phone trying to submit my resume to companies. This eventually wore me down because while I wanted to find a new job fast, I wasn’t taking the time to check in with myself. I eventually felt mentally exhausted. Do yourself a favor and take breaks. Even though it feels like you’re slowing down, in the long run it’s much better for your health and productivity. It’s okay to take some time off to do something you love or enjoy.

Self care can be something simple like listening to music that you like, watching a movie, or taking time out of your day to do some yoga or exercise. Schedule some time in every day for yourself and make it a priority to take care of yourself. Working more doesn’t always translate into higher productivity.

Don’t Take Rejection Personally

Rejection is uncomfortable, and there’s a lot of it when it comes to job hunting. It’s easy to take rejection personally and let it hurt your confidence. However, it’s important to shift your thinking about rejection and accept it as a part of the job hunting process. Also realize that you have other options, and if one company doesn’t work out, there’s probably another one out there waiting for you. Even though there’s probably a company that you would really love to work for, it’s good to keep an open mind about all the opportunities out there.

Remember That You’re Interviewing the Company Too

The way I like to also think about it is that job hunting is a two-way street. You are also interviewing the company and trying to gauge if it would be a good fit. You will probably also find yourself turning down company offers as well that don’t align with what you want. By realizing this, it becomes easier to face “rejection” and just see it as a part of the process.

Connect with People

One thing that really helped me get through struggles of job hunting was to connect with people. I ended up befriending some people who were in the same boat as me, and we encouraged each other throughout the job hunting journey. The whole process felt better with someone that understood what I was going through in the moment. We were able to cheer each other on when we made it to the next round of interviews as well as vent to each other about the frustrations of job hunting.

It’s also helpful to network during this time and seek out mentors in fields that you are interested in. Networking is a great way to find people who can refer you for a position. The whole process can feel less daunting when you’re able to reach out and connect with others going through the process or people who have already gone through the process and can provide you with valuable advice.

If you’re not sure where to start with networking, I would recommend starting with people around you. Go onto your LinkedIn and see what your connections are doing. Reach out to them and ask them to refer you, or ask if they happen to know anyone at a company that you’d like to work for.

Job searching is stressful, but you can take these steps to avoid burn out. At the end of the day, remember to stay positive, take things one day at a time, and don’t go too hard on yourself. Best of luck.

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Alina Ren
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

9 to 5 for an edtech start-up. Blogger with finance background. Also a musician.