How to Break Free From Toxic Relationships

A guide on how to create and preserve a new set of boundaries, written by someone who had to learn it the hard way

The Post-Grad Survival Guide


three girls with indifferent emotions exposed on their faces
Photo: Gemma Chua-Tran/Unsplash

“Give somebody an inch, and he will take a mile.”

Do you know that feeling? Are you in the habit of giving too much of your time, attention, focus, sanity? Are there people in your life that don’t seem to appreciate all you are doing for them, and it feels like they are literally sucking the life out of you, yet you can’t do anything about it? At least that is what it feels like sometimes?

You clicked on this article, so I assume the answer is yes. As someone who used to give too much to others on the costs of my own health and well-being, I know how it happens, how it feels. How hard it is to overcome unhealthy relationship patterns and the mindset that leads us there.

Especially toxic people and messed up relationships have been sort of my thing throughout my teens and twenties. As I turned thirty I learned a lot about how to look out for myself, overcome trauma and change from a “notorious melancholic” (that is actually how I used to describe myself) to a person that’s more in sync with herself than I ever even aspired to be. But it was hard work.

