How to Close Out Your Work Day Like Cal Newport

Why you need a shutdown ritual to maintain work-life balance and maximize productivity

Brooke Harrison
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Dustin Tramel/Unsplash

One of the challenges I’ve faced as a freelancer is a perpetual feeling of guilt… I often feel guilty when I’m working (hey, I’ve got a flexible schedule now, right?) and guilty when I’m not (“I should be working! I don’t get enough done!”).

I’ll come to the end of a workday and feel discouraged because I’m convinced I could have been (should have been!) more efficient, productive, motivated… you get the idea. It feels as though I’ve made no progress at all. Where did the time go? Why did I waste it? I’m a freelance failure.

It isn’t true. And I can say so with confidence now because I’ve started taking time at the end of each day to reflect on my work and my progress. This simple practice has done wonders for my attitude and my productivity.

It’s called a “shutdown ritual,” and it does 3 things:

  • Helps me “turn off” and stop thinking about work
  • Prompts me to celebrate my progress
  • Lays the groundwork for another productive day

Cal Newport’s “Shutdown Ritual”



Brooke Harrison
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Writer & Entrepreneur. I write to process and share what I’m learning :) How to take notes in Obsidian (free guide!):