How To Freelance After Graduating Without Losing Your Damn Mind

Some things to I wish I’d known to prep for…

Angely Mercado
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Post graduation freelancing is a reality of life for so many young people. The gig economy is a thing and despite hating it, like any other young person, I’ve had to navigate it after graduating.

Despite hating the lack of stability (and the inequality that became very blatant to me in the gig economy), I did get to have some interesting opportunities and I have enjoyed a lot of them. It was another way for me to gain experience, test new skills, and new reporting beats while I went to events, met people, and established the kind of topics I liked writing about. I hated not having financial stability the first year and a half, but I learned so much and challenged myself.

Every good day made up for the really hard days.

But I had to learn a lot on my own, so I compiled a few things that I later realized helped me get to where I am now in my career and my writing income.

Set Realistic Goals

A week after I finished my undergrad, I sat down in front of my then new Macbook and told myself I was going to make a ton of money writing. But at the time I had no idea how to even do that. I sent out a few…



Angely Mercado
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Native NYer. Climate writer/researcher @Gizmodo. Words in The Nation, The New York Times, Vogue & more. Work with me: