How to Get Over the Fear of Starting Your Own Business

How to move past your fear of failure, the unknown, success and what others think — and take the leap

Liz Huber
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Leio McLaren (@leiomclaren) on Unsplash

When I first decided to go after my dreams, quit my job and work on my business full-time, I experienced all sorts of fear. Crippling fear.

Fear of Failure. Fear of Judgment. Fear of the Unknown. Fear of Success.

I experienced all of it.

Because our brain does not like changes. It prefers us to stay the same. It wants us to be safe. In ancient times, our brain did us a favor by using fear to protect us from real dangers like lions and starvation.

In modern times in the Western world, we rarely experience real dangers. But fear is still programmed into our brain, passed down from our ancestors, from generation to generation. And apart from self-limiting beliefs (e.g. “I am not good enough” or “I don’t have enough money/time”), fear is probably the ONE THING holding us back THE MOST from following our dreams.

I know that — because these fears almost crushed me. They almost stopped me from starting my own business. Almost.

I am definitely NOT through the woods with making my dreams reality. I still experience fear every day. But I won’t…

