How to Go from Corporate Desk Job to Full-Time Creator

A clear cut approach for landing your dream job in an increasingly competitive market

Ish Baid
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

So maybe you like to blog in your free time. Or podcast. Or create hilarious Tik-Tok reels.

The act of creating something from scratch and sharing it with the world is a thrill for you. The feeling that you get as you put the finishing touches on your latest creation puts butterflies in your stomach. And the second you press “post”, you can’t help but start to contemplate what your next project is going to be…

If that at all sounds like you, then you’re a creator just like me. And if that’s the case, I’ve got some good news and bad news.

Good News — In 2020, creators run the world. Creators spawn new trends and cultural fads, but also dictate how the general public feels about the latest Star Wars Movie. They can start movements and alter the direction of society.

Creators have become so important to our culture and society that 70% of youtube subscribers relate better with their favorite YouTubers than traditional movie/tv celebrities.

Bad News — Becoming a creator has never been more competitive. Tens of thousands of individuals buy their first camera or microphone each year to begin…



Ish Baid
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

YC Founder, Ex-Facebook Engineer, Forbes 30 Under 30. Join me this summer for Codevine Summer Accelerator ->