How to Make Your Blog Profitable (14 Simple Tips)

Passionate about blogging? It’s time to be rewarded for it

Mos Clement
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
13 min readAug 9, 2020


Photo: Christin Hume/Unsplash

Are you wondering what blogging tips you can use to make your blog profitable? Are you looking for the best blog tips to make profits from your new blog? The most common advice you will receive for blogging till date are:

  • Follow your passion
  • Know your niche and your expertise
  • You can find your spot once you have shortlisted your place
  • Nothing can stop you if you have the talent

But, how about the profitability of blogging? Do you know much about it? Even we cannot give you numbers or the figures you can make as profits from your blog. But yes, we can always tell you how to do so. We all are passionate about blogging, and we want and deserve a reward for it.

What makes a blog popular?

Blogs with the right audience, traffic, and attention are the most popular ones. They are getting the maximum traffic and shares, which are continually increasing if the article has something for the audience. The blogs that show people how to be better with their money, body, time management, health, and to become a better parent gets the maximum traffic.

People want to know more and in a much more natural way. Anything that can give them quality information about relevant subjects in a modest yet unique way becomes popular.

There is a process (successful blogging tips for writers) that will make your blog famous.

Well, you might have written a wow blog post. But, you need people to know about it. It should appear in the search results, and for this reason, you must know about Google ranking and the metrics.

Thus, to understand the entire process, we present relevant information on making your blog profitable.

Common blogging myths that are preventing you from making profits from your blog.

To begin with, let us disclose some myths. I have assembled four common blogging myths for your consideration. Enjoy the reading.

1. You will only make profits if you follow a niche of your passion

You can write about anything as long as the write-up is exciting and informative. You might enjoy writing for your passion, but as long as you write interestingly, you will grow an audience.

The niche you have a passion for may not be profitable, so you have to balance love and profitability when choosing a blogging niche.

2. You already know your topic in detail

It is a myth; thorough research is what you need to perform each time you want to write a blog post. To don’t have to be an expert to create or make your blog profitable.

Even if you have a degree to the topic, there are updates, new information, and other data that you are not aware of in your niche market. This approach makes blogging a continuous learning process. Therefore, always research before writing on any topic.

3. Your audience does not know anything; your blog will highlight the topic

Today, even if you are writing on remote topics, your audience already knows about the subject. What they need is more information or new materials on the topic to help them streamline their activities.

As a result, do not write on known facts and make the blogs unnecessary long. This concept will make them lose interest, and they will look for other options plenty.

4. Your competitors are more established, and you need ages to surpass them.

You will always have competitors in the digital marketing space, and you can still stand out with your unique content. No matter if they have already established their authority, you can always invade the market with your tone. So, stop paying attention to these myths.

14 powerful blogging tips that will make your blog profitable

Here are the 14 proven blogging tips for business writers that will make your blog more profitable. Once you appear in the search results with these essential blog writing tips, the blog automatically gets promoted and generates the right traffic.

Related Post: 9 Easy Steps to Write Blog Posts That Go Viral

1. Pick a profitable niche blog

The success of your blog or your blog’s profitability depends on the blogging niche you choose. That is why our first blogging tip for this article is about choosing the right topic. Some marketing and bloggers will tell you to pick a niche you have a passion for, but you agree that love is NOT equivalent to profits.

You may write incredible pieces on the niche you are passionate about, for instance, and publish your work frequently. But you realize that you have no readers for your content-nobody reads your materials.

Truthfully, you will not make any profits from your blog, no matter how good your content. Why? It is because your passion is not going to drive traffic to your site. Neither will it bring in quality leads who can buy what you are offering.

For example, if you’re using Adsense, you need a broad target audience to generate substantial income. You need these a vast audience to buy you what you sell. Thus, when choosing a blogging niche, select a profitable niche. That is the only way you can make money blogging.

Here is my article about types of blog posts that drive web traffic. Have a look for inspiration.

2. Improve your blogging skills

Our second blogging tips are honing your blogging skills because nobody will read your posts if you’re not able to write informative content. However, is it wrong for a blogger to map-mind his thoughts before writing a post? No!

There is nothing wrong with that. I have written on the subject and encourage newbie bloggers to map-mind the ideas they want to write about, and this strategy involves using an outline.

However, it only becomes a wrong concept if your ideas are not in harmony with what is trending in your niche. What you’re writing is not what your audience wants to read, even if your beliefs are exceptional.

Other bloggers are writing the same content on other blogs, and your piece does not outclass previously released articles on that subject. So, to make it worthwhile and profitable, incorporate new ideas into the existing notions. Add a tested and confirmed framework to your thoughts.

That is how you improve your blogging skills. Moreover, writing fantastic texts is not all there is to improve your blogging skills. You should also pay attention to SEO writing. SEO content writing lets you enhance SEO ranking strategy and appear on Google searches and other search engine results.

That way, you increase organic traffic, engagement, and improve leads. Furthermore, learn how to use blogging tools to streamline your work, especially during the pandemic. If you can offer your readers more value, you will appear on SERPs, and make profits from your blog.

Therefore, hone your blogging skills by learning from pro bloggers in your niche. Many of them have courses–free and premium that will cut your learning curve in half.

3. Build a content distribution plan

Let’s face it; you cannot develop a profitable blog without a sound content distribution strategy in place. Expert content distribution tactics will take your blog content directly to your target audience.

Your distribution plan will assist you in strengthening the relationship that exists between you and your ideal reader. It will also enable you to build trust with your blog community-thereby urging them to take the desired action.

Ryan Biddulph released an interesting article that explains how to build a passionate blogging community for your blog.

On this account, to aid you to create a compelling blog delivery approach, first figure out the goals of your blog marketing campaign. In this context, you have two smooth operations; that is; you either apply the paid strategy or use the organic approach.

Either way, there is no winner because marketers have incredible successes using both channels. As mentioned earlier, it relies on your blogging and content intentions. Janice Wald, Founder & CEO of Mostly Blogging, published new material on creating a compelling content distribution strategy.

4. Use affiliate marketing to make your blog profitable

Is selling your course or digital product a bad idea? No, and it never will because selling your digital product gives you control of the market and everything in between. However, before you launch your product, you have to be sure that your offer will sell, so that you will not waste your efforts.

For example, I remember reading about Melyssa Griffin, how she started blogging from Japan as The Nectar Collectives, struggling to make it work, while combining blogging and teaching. And finally, she found her lines, created her online course. Today, she is one of the most successful bloggers, traveling the world doing philanthropic work.

Did she develop a digital product and pushes it to the market? No, she experimented.

What’s my point?

Here is what I mean; perform tests on different products to identify what offers your audience love-the the products they are buying. That is where affiliate marketing comes to play.

The best way to test the market to find your target market is to get your hands wet with affiliate marketing. By promoting different relevant affiliate offers, you will be able to pinpoint the best converting output. And it will give you a clear picture of what type of online product to create.

The best part is; while you are busy testing the market to pick the best performing product, you’re also making money at the same time. Thus, affiliate marketing is among the best blogging tips that will make you a profitable blog.

5. Podcast will make your blog worthwhile

The graph below shows that podcasting has seen year-over-year growth. This digital marketing tool’s popularity has grown steadily over the years that 5 in 10 Americans have listened to a podcast, with 70% being familiar with a podcast.

Source graphic via Statista

According to Edison Research, people spend an average of 17 hours per week listening to audio content. And as you can see from the graph, podcasting is not slowing down. From sports to key media institutions, every organization and individual like you are turning to podcasts to reach and communicate a brand message with their target market.

Thus, use this blogging tip (podcast) to grow your blog.

6. Leverage forum marketing to develop a profitable blog

There are several forums with high domain authority (DA) and do-follow attributes, which are excellent ways to increase your website’s backlinks.

Make sure to identify these forums and figure out the best ones for your blogs. It may take some time, but the results are game-changing. All you need to do is apply to become a member of such forums.

Harsh Agrawal published a list of high authority do-follow forums that will boost your site’s backlink. Have a look to figure out the best ones for your blog.

7. Use email marketing to create a profitable blog

Email is the most popular yet underused method to communicate with your community. Create an email list, add details of the potential readers, and shoot a new mail. However, you need to manage time between publishing your blog and notifying readers.

For this reason;

Grow your email lists

You may have heard or read that money is in the list, and that’s true. You might not know it, but the truth is that your email list’s size determines your blog income. Why is that so? Here’s why!

Let’s say you have 10,000 subscribers on your list, and you send out an offer you’re selling for $97 per download to your list. Then, 1% of subscribers respond and buy your offering. Do the maths; 1% of 10,000 equals 1,000, therefore, 1,000 x 97 = $97,000.

And if you can boost your list to 1% more quality leads, that means more money to your Bank account.

Given this, make growing your email list a priority. Then, email recipients right away about your new posts and offers. Too much delay in notifying them will take away the essence of your article or offerings and not motivate them to click through.

Your blog should be like a hot cake when presented to your email recipients. As such, once published, email them immediately and let them know about your new post. Personalize your message and make recommendations accordingly.

This personalized recommendation always works, even if they do not have time to read. Email recipients will remember you in the back of the mind and recognize you when you appear in the search results. Hence, these make for successful blogging tips for writers.

8. Create eBooks to profit from your blog

Like books, eBooks are for the digital audience who love reading on the screen. This tactic is the new age demand because most people get hooked to the monitor. The internet is their workspace, and they prefer to read their books and journal online.

To that end, make your blog appear right on their screen with eBooks and let the reader access your content. That is where mobile marketing comes to play since most internet users access the web through mobile devices.

In light of this, make your blog compatible with all screens, including mobile devices. After all, you do not know how your reader will try to reach you and on which device.

9. Videos will make your blog more interesting & profitable

A successful content marketing strategy is where website visitors and users engage with your blog content and do not drift away due to boring content. Consequently, you must make your boring blog post more interesting to read.

You can do this by adding images, videos, infographics, podcasts, and other engaging visual materials to improve user engagement and website user experience (UX).

Not everyone likes to read long essays and posts; many users love to engage with visual content than text format. For example, a study reveals that if you add a video to your landing page, it can boost conversion by 80%.

Further analysis shows that 60% of business executives consent that they would watch a video if both text and video content over text on the same topic.

Source image via Impactbnd

Already, 60% of marketers have invested in product video and 42% in how-to educational videos. Hence, video content is a remarkable marketing strategy that will help you capture and retain your target buyer’s attention.

Thus, try to infuse your blog with these blogging tips and pointers to make your target audience stick around your blog.

10. Search engine optimization (SEO)

Your blog’s natural growth is critical, and it begins right from inception until the entire lifespan of your blog. You need to learn how to appear in search results of popular search engines like:

  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Bing
  • Ask

This step will give you access to income with ads from pay-per-click (PPC), also known as cost-per-click (CPC) and pay-per-mille (PPM) advertising. To make your blog SEO friendly, you need to write SEO helpful content using relevant keywords and images to optimize your blog post.

With these pointers, you can always get your blog SEO optimized. Search engine optimization also involves other factors such as; website’s loading speed, ad-to-content ratio, implementation of social sharing buttons for user experience.

11. Social media marketing will make you profit from your blog

Everyone is now on social media, and smart marketers are using social media marketing to convert followers to buyers. You will find your audience on social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram.

Thus, set up social profiles, including a Facebook fan page for your blog, try to get enough likes and comments from your friends and followers for your Facebook page. It will enable you to build a targeted audience for your blog via your page and positively impact your Google search results.

Apply the same process for Twitter, where you can create a different profile for your domain. It adds to your Twitter profile and will provide an alternate channel to subscribe to your blog.

12. Examine your metrics correctly

There are plenty of metrics available that give the right information on visitors’ behavior on your website. The data it provides includes bounce rate and other vital data that are useful for figuring out what is working for your blog and what is not working.

All you need is to devote some time to analyze your site’s data to recognize your content performance. If you can understand how your blog content is performing, you will be able to calculate better the content types they love the most. And also those that put them off.

This report offers you a comprehensive platform to create more informative content to improve your website traffic and bounce rate. Many website owners who have personal blogs are not able to maintain their blogs. They generally don’t have much time to write a blog.

Consequently, if you cannot write your blog posts, you can hire an expert freelance writer to do the job.

13. Guest posting will make your blog valuable

Although we have read much about guest blogging on authority sites, we added it here on the list of tips to emphasize this marketing practice’s essence. Arfa Nazeer’s post gives you more than enough reasons to make guest blogging part of your campaign.

How will guest blogging benefit your business blog?

The sites you are contributing to, have their dedicated readership already, and your blog will take advantage of their audience to boost your visibility. You can acquire a new audience from those websites and increase traffic to your blog.

However, you need to do a bit of homework before taking the plunge. Study the niche your competitors publish, analyze their writing style to ensure your guest post is in harmony with their brand voice.

This process will be immensely helpful to you. Guest posting generates backlinks to your blog or website–making it one of the most successful blogging tips for writers to make your blog profitable.

14. Make blog commenting a priority

If you manage to get comments from your viewers, it means that you have an interactive site. Google loves interactive websites as they fulfill the need of the search engine- to give them accurately what they want.

If you get reviews, updates, and comments from your viewership (even negative comments also work for SEO), you are doing great with your post. Consequently, make comments (commenting on other blogs) a part of your blogging tips for business.

Use the tips here to write epic blog comments that influencers will notice in your industry. Lisa Sicard disclosed why you need influencers in your marketing activities.

Wrapping up the 14 effective blogging tips that will grow your blog faster

To make your blog profitable, you need to apply the blogging tips in this article and frequently provide your readers with fresh, actionable, and useful content. In that way, you’ll win your audience’s trust and develop a loyal blogging community. You should remember to regularly measure your blog’s performance to find what is working and improve your strategy.

Seeking to boost the return on investment (ROI) of your blog legitimately will set you up for the long run. Thus, do not explore shortcuts or any other manipulative ways as Google can completely erase you.

It takes time, but the payoff can be oh so sweet.

This article first appeared at

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Mos Clement
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

SEO writer for B2B SaaS and digital marketing brands, including Semrush, SocialPilot, Serpstat, etc. Need content writing help for your biz blog? Let's talk!