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How To Stop Your Impulse Spending

A 3-step guide to saving more money than you ever have before

Sam Holstein
7 min readFeb 11, 2020


When I first started getting interested in personal finance, the entire thing overwhelmed me. There were endless blog articles about how to game credit card providers, correctly configure your stock market accounts, and calculate the ideal rate of savings. There was an endless list of different budgeting systems, all requiring what seemed like a ridiculous amount of managerial overhead.

This is way too much, I thought to myself. I just want to stop spending so much on takeout.

All these resources lacked the same thing: the basics. I could calculate what credit card repayment plans would bring me the largest rewards, but nobody taught me the basics about how to handle my paycheck or how to think about expenses.

So, instead of talking about soul-crushing budgeting methods or retirement accounts, I want to teach you the basics. Before you start using a complicated budget or stressing out about retirement, here’s what you should do:

1. Take stock of your current financial situation

The first step to achieving a financial goal of any kind is to figure out your financial situation right now. Without a complete picture of your…

