How to Talk Yourself Into A Better Mindset

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The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readApr 12, 2018
by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash

I talk to myself. Not all of the time, but occasionally. It’s generally during the times where I find myself feeling overwhelmed or stressed, or even when something crappy happens that’s out of my control. I try to detach from the situation and look at things objectively. If I need to act, I’ll make a game plan and follow through. If it’s out of my control, I’ll tell myself not to worry about it.

I do this because I would always listen to motivational videos or interviews that would always say

You’re in control of your own reality.

I completely agree.

Our reality is completely in our head and the product of our perceptions. I would hear this all of the time from other people like Tim Ferris, Jocko Willink, and David Goggins.

Then it hit me… I don’t have to constantly listen to other voices to make me feel better. I’ve got a person who knows my entire life story and wants the best for me right here. Myself.

It’s one thing to take all of the life lessons you’ve learned from others and applying them from memory. It’s another when you internalize those messages and just live them intuitively. So take everything you’ve learned up to this point and put it in our own voice. Tell yourself that you’ve got this.

Hey, let me know who’ve you been inspired by in the comments. If you liked this article send me some 👏, if not that’s cool too. Follow me if you want. Have a good one!

