How to Teach Yourself Anything, Anytime, Anywhere

An adult guide to unschooling.

Shaunta Grimes
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
8 min readOct 31, 2019


I am fascinated by the idea of unschooling.

Two of my three children are in their mid-20s now. I learned about unschooling when they were in fifth and sixth grade and it changed everything.

My daughters — one in graduate school and one who just started high school — both love school. They happen to be people who learn well by listening to instruction and reading. They enjoy the social aspects of school. Neither of them is/was interested in being unschooled.

But my son, Nicholas. Oh, man.

He has autism that wasn’t diagnosed until he was thirteen. School was, to put it generously, a fucking nightmare. For him. For us. For the schools.

Years and years of utter misery.

Just try to imagine the worst possible job you can think of. Something that hits all of your bad buttons. My husband is a craps dealer and that’s the job for me, for this thought experiment.

I would hate literally every single thing about it.

Math-focused, stinky, dealing with drunk people all the time, taking money from people I know don’t have it to spend, super micro-managed to the point of having cameras pointed at me all…



Shaunta Grimes
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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