I Don’t Want To Write Right Now

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readAug 23, 2017


What, you want me to lie to you?

You’re looking at a guy that’s incredibly burned out. I write anywhere from 2,000 to 4,000 words per day.

I’ve also been designing a 60-page magazine for the past two months.

And I try to be a good friend.

And I try to remain active on all my social media accounts.

And I attempt to fulfill my duties here at home.


Some days I feel like my eyes are going to burst. Some days I’d rather puke in a bucket than write one more word.

It’s true, actually.

I’m fairly certain many of you feel the same about work, relationships, responsibilities, etc.

And guess what? I LOVE writing. Writing is what I feel I was called to do. It IS possible to hate what you legitimately love to do sometimes.

I think that’s easily forgotten.

And I hate this. Writing words that I don’t want to write. Filling this white space with random thoughts of mine. You have important things to do, don’t you?


You’re just waiting for the punchline. You’re waiting for the silver lining (I always have them).

There is none this time, though.

I hate this. I don’t want to write today. There’s nothing enjoyable about this for me right now.

I’m making a point through the pain.

I don’t want to do this, but I’m doing it anyway.

This article isn’t about writing, it’s about grinding through shit you don’t want to do.

Writers feel this way all the time, mind you. There are many days we don’t want to write, but after getting started all of that changes.

It’s like working out when you’re sore. It sucks in the first five minutes, but after that, you’re pretty much set.

I’m here every day. I think that’s what separates real writers from everyone else. Everyone else waits for inspiration or quits when there is none. Or when it’s hard.

It’s not that hard to post something every day. It really isn’t. It just takes someone who puts their damn butt in the chair and doesn’t budge until they’ve regurgitated something onto the page.

It’s true.

Everything else is an excuse.

And here I am, at the end. I’ve fulfilled my daily duties of writing SOMETHING for my audience here on Medium.

Let’s hope tomorrow will be better. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

It won’t stop me even if it isn’t.

I write a good bit here on Medium (I have nearly 10,000 followers). If you want to receive weekly Medium tips from me, sign up for them via Facebook Messenger. Every Wednesday night you’ll get a Google Doc filled with the goods. I promise. Sign up for them here.

