I Explain Blockchain To My 6 Year Old Brother…

Jordan Ebert
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readApr 20, 2018


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Blockchain, AI and VR seem to be the technological buzzwords in 2018, but what do they actually mean, and why should I care?

Me being me, I went off on my own to find out what these things are and what affects they’ll have on my future.

AI, for example, will continue to automate tasks of repetitive nature, while VR/AR will slowly creep into our production and construction sectors of work.

But Blockchain…? What’s so cool about that? Bitcoin was obviously just a random “glitch” in this simulated world that we live in, right?

It’s interesting, because the technology for Blockchain is virtually flawless and the concept is perfectly sound. We just don’t know what to do with it yet beyond cryptocurrency and cataloguing wine bottles!

Naturally, I thought it’d be cool to talk and joke about this incoming technological revolution with my friends and family. Most of them understood, some of them didn’t… One of them was a lot more curious than I would have expected.

