I Got My Breakthrough And You Will Meet Yours, Too!

Princess Tadena
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readJan 23, 2018
Finally met her!

Remember that blog I wrote before about the book that really inspired me?

(Click this link.)

I had the chance to converse with the author. In fact, she invited me to visit Oman and stay with her for a week. But before that, I tried to apply in her company and for some reasons, we chucked it off.

Yesterday, after being jobless for 3 months, I started becoming emotionally weary especially that I’m living new and alone in this country. That got me on my knees, crying my lungs out, and surrendering all my worries.

After that momentum, unexpectedly, I received another email from the same author, Shahrzad. She asked me if I still need a job because they got a vacancy for the next month.

Jeez! I took it and more than the job, I was more thrilled about meeting her in person.

To summarize what happened, we had a fantastic conversation about work, family, and religion. She even gifted me a copy of her book with a note that gave me butterflies in my stomach.

What’s next?

I’m getting the job that I want to do and I hope I’ll do great.

This is not to boast about what just happened to me today. This is to boast what He did today and you know what, believe it or not, God does wonders and when He blesses, He opens the door that nobody can shut.

I learned a lesson during this time of my life and that is vulnerability is the new strength.

This happened to me many times. Every time I surrender a situation which I have no control over, something great automatically happens. And when I say great, it means something you will never expect. It’s something that will make you look up to the sky and thank the One up there.

If you’re feeling stuck in your current situation, remember that feelings are temporary and when we get to the bottom of our emotions, there is no other way but to bounce back to the top. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?

Today, I got my breakthrough and if you just hold on to that mustard seed of faith you have, you will receive yours, too. What more if you have the whole mustard of faith?

“Everything happens for a good reason.” — Shahrzad Mirgholikhan

Take it from someone who has been falsely accused and incarcerated for five years.

Good night from Oman, dear.



Princess Tadena
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Living abroad & learning life. The Post-Grad Survival Guide Contributor. Blog: theoverseasdiary.com