If Resolutions Don’t Work, Try New Year’s Principles

How to guide the way you live

Fleurine Tideman
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Jarritos / Unsplash

It’s that time of year again, friends.

When everyone fills awkward gaps in conversations by asking what your New Year’s resolutions are. When everyone posts photos of their trainer-clad feet in a gym, claiming they’re off to a great start. When people pretend they’ll last 30 days without meat, alcohol or their drug of choice.

I’m not really a New Year’s resolutions gal. I have yearly goals, that focus on my writing career and reading ambitions, but I would never class these as New Year’s resolutions, instead they’re a way of staying on track.

When it comes to resolutions, they seem destined to fail. And I think many of us go into them with that expectation. We don’t actually plan to work out every day for the year, just for two weeks or the first hint of abs. We have no intention of staying sober, just being able to smugly refuse a drink at the first trip to a pub.

We are planning for these to be temporary, and so they become exactly that.

3 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail

The issue with New Year’s resolutions is three-fold.



Fleurine Tideman
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Freelance copywriter. SEO marketer. Aspiring novelist. Top Writer in Mental Health. Writing the articles I once needed. My newsletter: https://bit.ly/3FZCJJx