If You Are Lost In Your Career Choices — You Need To Read This

Moiz Dossaji
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readMay 24, 2018


Do you feel lost in life?

Like you have no idea what you want to do? Which career to take? You just don’t know? You are confused. Like it just doesn’t make sense. Are you that person?

If you are like me, who is still planning on what career path to embark upon, then this article is just for you!

For the 18–27 years old, this is the age, I repeat, this is the age where you need to do things that you love. That you are passionate about. Try new things. This is the age of taking risks. This is NOT the age where Mommy and Daddy want you to take that job. This is not the age to meet the expectations of the society. This is not the age where you are forced to do something you don’t want to do. This is the age of tapping into your strengths and just taking the risk. Let me explain:

What are you good at? Video making? Writing? Singing? Dancing? Painting? Whatever you are good at, this is the age to do it. This is the age of taking risks because boy, when you reach 72, 90, and you are like finished, like just finished, you are not mobile anymore, the REGRET which you will have will be insurmountable. Regret is poison. You don’t want to be 80, 90 and these words come out of your mouth

“I wish I could have done that”, “I wish I could spend more time with my family”, “I wish I could start that company…”, “I wish I could join that band”, “I wish …” “I wish…”

You don’t know what you are really good at? Then go out there and taste and learn. Do something for a year? Didn’t work out? Good. Do something else because you got time. You are young.

Life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. (Tweet this)

Taste and learn until you find “that” something that excites you every day in the morning to get out of your bed. That my friends is called living life with no regrets.

That podcast? Launch it,

That blog? Start it

That book? Write it

That idea? Flesh it out

That app? Develop it

That gift? Put it to use

That life? Live it

Be in your own head and only listen to that voice. Don’t worry what other people will say. Because here’s the thing, either you are going to be right, or you are going to learn. People might laugh at you, they might tell you this is not right or this is too risky or this is not going to work or don’t waste your time, and many other opinions but boy, it does not matter what they think, in the end, the results will speak.

“It doesn’t matter what they think, in the end, the results speak.” Tweet this.

If any of the above relates to you, then it is yours for the taking and to heed from — Do not let other people’s opinions get to you, as I said, in the end, the results will speak for itself. Go out there, crush it and live to the fullest, having no regrets, with zero expectations from anyone.

If you made it till the end, you are increíble ❤️

If you have any questions regarding this or anything besides this, don’t hesitate to comment or simply email me at moizdossaji1@hotmail.com

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Moiz Dossaji
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

18 y/old dude who loves hustling, connecting, networking and spreading positivity wherever and whenever possible ❤