I’m Giving Myself A 40 Day Social Media Cleanse

Christina Marie
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readFeb 16, 2018

And through doing so, I plan to become a better me physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Each year for Lent, I boggle my mind trying to think of what it is I am going to give up for the next 40 days. More often than not, I go for the ordinary stuff such as sweets, soda, etc.

But this year, I chose to go with something that I personally believe will be a little more difficult than the things I have been attempting to do my best at not consuming as much anyway.

As someone who uses all of the popular social media apps such as Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram, I think it’s safe to say that they can become a little addicting.

Recently, I read an article stating that throughout the day, it is estimated that most spend up to five hours a day on their phones. That is about a third of our waking hours!

If we could take those five hours and find something productive to do, imagine what that could do to our mental well being?

It’s almost as if the creators of these apps are intentionally trying to suck us in, making it so that our time is consumed in such an insignificant way.

When I am bored, I scroll through social media. When I am the passenger in a car, I scroll social media. When I wake up and go to bed, what do I do?

I sit there, carelessly scrolling through social media.

Now, I know I am making it seem like I am obsessed with and constantly glued to my phone, but in all reality I’m not. There are days where I barely look twice at it.

But the point is, I do spend a lot more time using social media than I would like and I am making an attempt to lessen the amount of time I spend doing so.

So, for the next 40 days, I am committing myself to living a life without the bind of constantly being on my phone.

2017 was a year of deep soul searching of myself and digging down using my heart, mind and soul to find who I truly am which lead me to nothing but acceptance of myself. Being able to feel comfortable and happy in your own skin is such a high.

I wholeheartedly believe only good can come from this and I’ll be able to continue on with becoming a better, stronger me.

As previously stated, there are so many times throughout the day where I find myself carelessly scrolling through social media, giving no attention to what’s truly important in this life.

For the next 40 days, I am devoting my time and energy to my friends, my family, my boyfriend, nature and my mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health with no distraction from the social media world.

I have always been one to prefer talking in person or through call as opposed to text, so I hope this helps me to become better at communicating beyond my keyboard.

Once this is all said and done, I hope to look back and realize that I have grown to learn more about myself and be more in tune with what really matters.



Christina Marie
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Lover of music, art and food. Future teacher of America! Previous Contributor for the Post-Grad Survival Guide.