In Defense of Not Turning Your Hobby Into A Side Hustle

A closer look at modern-day hustle culture

Daniela Singlel
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Kinga Cichewicz/Unsplash

Growing up, I always had a little side hustle in me. Yep, I was that kindergartener who sold papier-mâché hats and beaded bracelets to fellow six-year-olds. With fake money, of course.

Now that I’m in my 20s, not much has changed, not even my obsession with arts and crafts projects, although these days I prefer real money as payment. Sadly, the idea of making additional income alongside a day job excites me more than I care to admit. Especi ally if that additional income is earned passively while I sleep, or if it could one day replace my day job. My obsession with the side hustle is all too real.

At one point or another, my entrepreneurial mindset has led me to turn most of my interests into some form of a side hustle. Not that we’re counting, but I’ve been a babysitter, dog walker, t-shirt designer, eBay seller, luxury fashion reseller, focus group participant and even a movie extra.

My point is, I’ve done it all. Or at least a good percentage of it. Plus, I have a whole list of side hustle ideas in the notes section of my phone, waiting for me to take my pick. Trust me, if I had a driver’s license or a spare bedroom, Uber driver and Airbnb host would probably be on my resume right now.

