It’s Great to Change Your Mind About What You Want to Do

Changing your mind isn’t a fault — it’s a sign of progress.

Marta Brzosko
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Illustration by the author.

The society doesn’t normally support this notion — but it’s perfectly fine to change your mind. In fact, it’s often a clear sign that you’re growing and progressing on your goals.

If you never change your mind about anything, it may mean that you’re not alive. Or that you just aren’t willing to learn anymore.

I used to believe that frequently changing my mind about what I wanted to do meant that there was something wrong with me. Friends and family would reprimand me: “you can’t be constantly changing your mind!” Or offering advice: “just pick something — anything — and stick to it.”

There was a time I believed their words and I thought I needed to fix myself to live my life successfully.

The good news is that you don’t need to believe this. Because what would you rather do: stick with doing something you don’t enjoy for the rest of your life — or change your mind?

You Don’t Have to Embrace Other People’s Beliefs as Your Own

Chances are you’ve been told that changing your mind frequently isn’t beneficial.

