It’s OK to Ask for Help

But do we?

Sydel Brown
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

Intellectually, I know my friends have my back and will help me in whatever way they can.

But that doesn’t mean I ever ask them for it.

Especially when it comes to money problems.

It’s not their fault I’m in this situation. It’s mine and some of the poor decisions that past me made, including ones involving my ex and money.

I never loaned him money.

Which made me think I was so smart.

But I paid for absolutely everything while we were together. The few times he paid for anything, he expected to be congratulated. And I bought into that, too.

We’d go out to a movie.

I’d pay.

We’d order in food.

I’d pay.

We’d go out for dinner.

I’d pay.

He needed new clothes.

I’d pay.

We’d go out drinking.

I’d pay.

Whatever he needed, whatever the cost, I’d pay.

Add in my own minor travel escapism, and I had a big problem.

Living Beyond My Means



Sydel Brown
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Writing about writing, sex, love, dating, relationships, and life with a twist of humor. Sometimes I bite. Can be NSFW. Buy me a coffee?