Job Hopping Is the Best Life Choice I Have Ever Made

Changing jobs beats drinking, doing drugs, or having sex to get out of a lifeless rut

Rocco Pendola
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Source: Author

I have more than 75 plants in my apartment. I love them all. However, I like these best. When I least expect it, my bunny ear cacti sprout crazy extensions seemingly overnight.

It’s as if the cactus got bored and decided to completely alter the course of its professional life. This way of living resonates with me.

I have had a total of five careers in my life. Somewhat ironically, this makes me feel young. Because chances are it’s more likely that people who are younger than me will follow a similar trajectory than people my age or older.

In this article, I illustrate and reflect on the consequences of repeated career flips. I hope the color I add to my experience can help inform yours, if only in some small way.

It’s easy to regret life decisions. It’s also, most often, nonsensical.

Here’s a rough sketch of my career timeline:

  • 1988 to 2000 (age 13 to 25): Radio producer and personality
  • 2000 to 2002 (age 25 to 27): Inside sales representative
  • 2002 to 2008 (age 25 to 33): Student, entrenched in academia

