Jet-lagged at 22!

Princess Tadena
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
4 min readDec 8, 2017

It’s amazing to think how time flies so rapidly. What happened in the last four days of my life?

A week ago, I received a surprising email to travel somewhere. INSTANTLY.

With just a wink, I found myself flying to the Southern part of an East Asian country.

I arrived at my destination after an 8-hour flight wearing my dri-fit jacket.

It was freezing cold and I loved it. Something new for a Middle Eastern resident like me.

Little did I know, I will be staying for four days in a foreign country with no access to Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Medium.

I thought I could use the internet if I need anything so I didn’t prepare much. I just packed up light and left.

They had their own search engine, but in their own script as well.

Totally screwed.

The language was a top barrier, too. Only a few can speak English.

For four days I had to sign language and nod head for a couple times to show I’m getting right into the discussion.

I wasn’t prepared for all of this.

I realized the next time I have to travel, what’s most important security to have is a VPN installed on my phone and I’ll never go wrong.

3rd day, I celebrated my 22nd birthday.

Never in my wildest dreams that I have imagined myself being in a foreign country on my birthday. Not in Guangzhou, China.

After all, every birthday we celebrate, we recall and realize a lot of things. In China, I had this quiet time for myself, too.

Realizations at the age of 22:

  1. The best antidote for a wandering heart is travel. Let your heart wander into places you’ve never been and find yourself once again.

Traveling gives us new opportunities that will teach us to think of what really matters. Every travel is a refreshment for a better start.

“You must go into the wild to be reborn.”

Tom Kuegler

2. Chances are always there: A great city out of your comfort zone. A friend who will rebuild your trust. A company that’ll fulfill your dreams. An event that will change the way you see the world.

They’re just waiting for you to find them in a deeper perspective.

“Live deep and suck all the marrow of life.”

— Henry David Thoreau

3. You have to experience more and worry less about putting up a face.

I have traveled many times confidentially. In those times, I have kept memories, learned different angles of life, commit mistakes, and applied my lessons.

Don’t be afraid to take crazy steps. In my personal journey, I have done multiple kinds of weird decisions and mostly failed. I think differently and I still do.

It’s because I learn greatly from being crazy.

“Dreams are often most profound when they seem the most crazy.”

— Sigmund Freud

Jet-lagged at 22. Here’s why…

This year has been one helluva ride for me, it’s something I never thought I could achieve.

The first time I traveled far from home, I realized that the world is far better than how we perceive it.

When I stepped out of my comfort zone, things started to change.

Meeting new personalities allowed me to balance my character and set forth a barrier to every relationship I have.

Money taught me to value it but never love it.

I have learned to stop pressuring myself for growth and just sift the details of every lesson I encounter every single day.

Most of all, I have firmly believed that the most important weapon we should all have is love.

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

— 1 Corinthians 13:1

This is true. When we do everything out of love, we will never have to work a day in our lives.

Let me tell you this:

No one has ever taught me to love radically except the Man who has sacrificed on the cross to save us from all our sins.

I was a totally different person before. I was frank, I cared less about people’s emotions, and I didn’t know what really being a Christian means.

When I learned about Jesus and what He has done for me and you, I’ve become more compassionate to people.

There are plenty of self-empowering references available anywhere but nothing will ever make us genuinely satisfied than the love of God that is overflowing and always ready to embrace us anytime of the day.

If you find interest in this topic, let me know in the comment section below. I might be posting more about this soon if I get a positive feedback from you.

Few more days until Christmas. Back-to-back celebration.

Thank you, Jesus!



Princess Tadena
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Living abroad & learning life. The Post-Grad Survival Guide Contributor. Blog: