Keep Your Resume Updated, Even if You’re Not Job Searching

The last thing you want to do in a time crunch is write a resume from scratch.

Victoria Zelvin
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Bram Naus on Unsplash

When you’re on the other side of that graduation stage, there can feel like no more soul-sucking enterprise than actual job searching. Most grads are not lucky enough to have lined up a job by the time they graduate, which means walking off that stage, triumphant with diploma in hand, right into a big brick wall of what now?

Once you get a job, it’s absolutely time to celebrate. But, be careful not to get too complacent. In this job market, most people our age are job hopping for one reason or another, be it greener pastures or layoffs, and that means the tried and true “found a job once and stayed put for thirty years” some older generations hold dear is no longer a forgone conclusion.

Even if you’re amazingly happy in your new job and can’t imagine ever leaving, you should keep your resume up to date. Think of it as a just in case card to keep in your back pocket should you ever need it. If the day does come where you need to dust it off in a hurry, you’ll be thanking yourself, but until then it’s also something to help you in your current role.

Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst



Victoria Zelvin
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Freelance and speculative fiction writer, as well as a lifelong book, video game, and movie hoarder.