Learn to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone With Cold Showers

The surprising benefits of adding cold showers into your daily routine.

Luke B.
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Kevin Baquerizo on Unsplash

Over the last 40 days, I’ve done something every day that I previously thought I would never do: cold showers.

I am working on a longer article and podcast episode about the Wim Hoff method — if you haven’t heard of him you can check out this video. The method involves conscious breathing, meditations, and cold water therapy.

But as I work on that, I just wanted to write something shorter about how cold showers have positively affected me, and hopefully convince a few people to try it.

**Disclaimer: Especially if you have a heart condition, be smart and consult your doctor before taking cold showers**

Why I Started

Before February 2020, I used to think that some people could handle cold showers and I just simply wasn’t one of them. I tried it once or twice many years ago and my breathing completely freaked out. It felt awful and I turned the water off right away. What could be the point anyways?

I’ve since completely changed my mind, and in addition to cold showers, I have even started submerging myself in ice water baths. I realize it sounds crazy — and maybe it is —…



Luke B.
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Classical musician, passionate meditator, and co-host of the podcast and blog Exploring Kodawari. https://exploringkodawari.blog/