My Biggest Financial Mistake was Graduating from College

Why following the conventional path isn’t always the safest bet.

Adam J. Cheshier
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Clay Banks/Unsplash

I shouldn’t have gone to college. There, I’ll say it.

One of the most important choices a young adult makes on their financial journey is whether or not to go to university. Especially in the United States where it’s so easy to fall into years of student debt for nothing.

My biggest advice; have a clear motive for university and make sure it is advantageous to your plan.

I regret that I spent $40k on four years of university. Luckily, I was working during those years and was able to graduate debt-free.

To this day, five years later, I’ve still never spoken about my education with a potential client. They don’t ask about it!

If I would have known I’d move straight into content writing after graduation, I don’t think I would consider a degree as crucial to my success. Thus, I would have saved a lot of money I could’ve invested.

One of my recent favorite past-times is to play with compound interest calculators. I love to tinker with the numbers and play with possibilities. All to decrease my time to financial independence.



Adam J. Cheshier
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Documenting obscure pockets of the world across long-distance overland expeditions. Recently celebrated 7 years of nomadism.