Three Steps to Deal with the Fact That Not Everyone Will Like You

Here’s how you come to terms with the reality.

Zulie Rane
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


“photo of three women lifting there hands \” by Simon Maage on Unsplash

I have this ingrained need to please people. I couldn’t stand it when I suspected someone didn’t like me or found me annoying.

When I was younger, I thought real best friends were people who were never annoyed with you. I was perpetually afraid of doing something to irritate them and lose my friends forever.

I would lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling as I ran through various conversations and interactions I’d had that day.

Did I do something annoying?

Was I boring, or repetitive?

I needed to remember to talk less.

Ridiculous example: I had a drink with an old coworker the other day, and he mentioned another ex-coworker had got in touch with him.

“Josh said his new job is great — there’s nobody he actively dislikes there,” Mark said.

Immediately I was spiralling. Why had Josh not got in touch with me? Was I one of the people he disliked? How long had he hated me? What could I have done differently?



Zulie Rane
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.