Patience Is One Of The Biggest Keys To Better Work

Lessons learned spreading butter at Starbucks.

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

Whenever I go to Starbucks they serve me stone cold butter.

I swear to the heavens.

It’s almost like they just pulled it out of the blast freezer seconds before serving me my food.

It’s amazing because my hot bagel — my beautiful, crispy, warm package of goodness — normally gets cold as we wait for the butter to descend in temperature from Antarctica levels of freezing.

Clearly this is a gigantic problem and in no way first world problems, right?

All joking aside, the fact that my butter is always stone cold sort of annoys me. Well, it was in the act of spreading butter over a bagel the other day that gave me a huge life discovery.

Let’s talk about it.

Patience Can Lead To Much Easier Work

Normally I wrestle to the death with my butter. I seesaw it out of the packaging with my knife. Forget the fact that it sometimes flings out of the plastic and hits the ceiling.

Once seesawed it sits there in a solid rectangle of pure torture. If I try to cut a bit of butter off the side it just slides to the other side of my plate — or worse —…

