7 Things I’m Leaving in My 20s

Growing up means leaving some things in the past

Michael Beausoleil
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Andreea Pop/Unsplash

I’ve reached a point in my life where I need to admit something: I’m getting old. I’ve replaced the phrase “when I grow up” with “when I choose to be an adult,” and most grown-up responsibilities have become part of my routine. Life is full of commitments, and whether or not I want to, I need to address them. Ignoring them could have serious repercussions on my finances, health, or relationships.

I’m now in my early 30’s. This means I am young enough to remember some of the things I could get away with as a young adult. In fact, I still do some of these things even though they’re not the healthiest or most mature decisions. As I continue to get older, I begin to identify more areas where I need to take responsibility. Some things are best suited for young adults, and I am preparing to move past that stage in life.

This doesn’t mean I’m a perfect person: far from it. It just means I am consciously making an effort to educate myself and improve my life. Some of my bad habits need to be left in the past. At this point, I will associate these habits with “things I did in my 20s.”

While I know I may resort to some of these old behaviors, I’ll probably groan to myself and say “I’m too old for this shit.”



Michael Beausoleil
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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