Geoffrey Watson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readJul 10, 2018


Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Sometimes it’s More than Things that are Broken. Sometimes it’s Your Life!

If my home was damaged by a cyclone or hurricane, emergency workers would be offering assistance. If a burglar were breaking into my home, there is an emergency number to ring, isn’t there? But if a spouse walks out because life is simply too difficult, where does one turn? How do you heal a broken heart?

The reason love hurts so much is because love is a voluntary action of the other. Yes you can influence their love by your strengths and your friendship, but if you don’t have the bedrock commitment to each other when the storms of life come, then a relationship can flounder.

But even that is not a fair statement. Before she left, I told her a list of strengths I admired in her. The top one was being courageous.

Gary Chapman’s book on The Five Love Languages is a great resource for everyday life- but no amount of affirming words, quality time together, physical intimacy, gift giving and acts of service can weather some storms.

It takes resilience of a different order when death, ill heath, and dealing with a rebellious teen is added to the mix.

So I am in shock. The writing has slowed- and I am consciously taking one day at a time at the moment. That’s what I can manage.

There is no denying I have been negative in attitude and word, impatient in trials and whining in my pain sometimes. Let’s face it, I am a man and not a woman. Doubtless there is much need of a personal inventory as well as couple’s therapy- but life is unpredictable at best and maddening at worst.

My God promises that he is near the broken hearted.

I believe that.

But the broken sleep, inattentiveness to meals, wandering thoughts, butterflies in my stomach I simply need to accept, at least to a point.It’s how the body reacts to stress.

I was already grieving before she left- through the death of a friend. The road now stretches a little further ahead, and it is an up hill climb.

Sometimes it’s more than things that are broken.

Sometimes it’s Your Life!

Photo by Tom Pottiger on Unsplash



Geoffrey Watson
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

husband, father of teens, Christ follower, cancer survivor, and aspiring author.Writing to inspire faith, hope and love. email