Stop Being So Afraid to Try Things

It’s holding you back more than you know.

Kristen Walters
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Image: Pixabay

I like to think that my superpower is the ability to try new things on a whim without fear or overanalyzing every little thing to death.

It’s the one thing that has gotten me farther in life than any other “success” tactic I’ve read about online.

If I were to invent a popular brand someday, my trademark slogan would be,

“Just Try It!”

In my 38 years on this earth, I’ve started dozens of businesses. Many of them were failures. I lost interest in some, and others became pretty successful.

Despite being advised to go to community college by my high-school guidance counselor (not that there’s anything wrong with community college), I eventually got accepted into law school and graduated with honors.

Even though everyone I knew doubted that I had what it took to make it as a lawyer, I went for it anyway and ended up working for a senator and then eventually for one of the largest law firms in the U.S. — for a little while anyway.

After a few years, I felt this nagging urge in my gut that it was time to move on and try something new and creative. So I quit my job and starting narrating audiobooks as a freelancer.

