Stop, Read This First Before You Buy That Online Course.

Joshua Poh
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
6 min readOct 10, 2018


Picture by rawpixel on Unsplash

I see you now, hovering over the click button.

That sales page is specially designed to lure you in.

It’s honeyed words speaking to all your hidden cravings and not-so-secret aspirations.

“Come, invest in me and I will make all your money-making dreams come through”.

“Are you ready to make 2018 your best year ever?”

And it works.

You read the page, thinking the person REALLY understands you and has been there before.

He or she then paints a compelling picture of “where you could be” if you learned these skills he or she spent years mastering.

They proceed to tell you: I’ve been there before, and I know how it feels like to be stuck in your life.

They tell you it’s worthwhile to invest in yourself and build an aspirational future for yourself. You find yourself nodding your head to every word they say, never feeling so understood internally in your life.

As if in agreement with you, specially curated testimonials appear as you scroll down seemingly nodding in agreement.

