Stop Saying “Why”

Christina Marie
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
3 min readJan 29, 2018

You know what is detrimental and absolutely toxic for the well-being and overall happiness of the mind, body and soul?

Doubting yourself.

Comparing yourself to others.

Believing that someone is better than you.

When put into perspective, it’s easy to recognize that these can and do happen on a day-to-day basis without even realizing you are allowing yourself to succumb to that type of negative energy.

But in the end, it all comes down to You. You provide your happiness.

Notice how the first letter of this piece is a big fat “Y”. The letter “Y” has the same sound as the word “why” and why can be a nasty word when trying to conquer self-acceptance. and true inner happiness.

WHY can’t I be that pretty?

WHY can’t I be that good at sports?

WHY do I have to eat next to nothing on a daily basis to look good?

All these “Why’s” all start with You. You are the only one who can truly generate your own happiness.

We post pictures on Instagram with the hopes of receiving a lot of likes.

We scroll through Facebook and realize we don’t look like the last picture we saw. We don’t have the time to go to the gym and eat healthy, giving ourselves a good looking body like the girl who just posted a picture of her flat stomach and healthy greens.

We succumb to all of the fashion trends and feel out of place if what we are wearing is nothing like what anyone else has on.

I don’t know about you, but I fall under each of these three categories almost everyday.

I doubt myself about a lot of things. I put myself down when trying to study, wondering WHY it isn't clicking.

I compare myself to others, wondering WHY I can’t be in the same position in my life as they are.

I believe that there are people better than me on a pretty regular basis. I see a girl with a perfect body eating a cheeseburger and fries at work and wonder WHY I can’t eat the same and look the way she does. I hear about my sisters friends graduating college and wonder WHY I am older than them and haven’t graduated yet. But at the same time, I also generate ideas in my mind as to why I am not in the same positions as everyone else.

It’s because I am me.

You see how easy it is to allow these thoughts to overtake your mind?

It’s very trying not just mentally, but physically and emotionally all the same.

Recently, I got a notification on Facebook that my “friends” have liked my posts 41,000 times. I chuckled to myself because that is nothing that I have ever once wondered or cared about.

The amount of friends you have on Facebook, the amount of followers you have on Instagram, the amount of likes you receive on any social media platform; these are all such miniscule worries.

Do Instagram likes put an end to world hunger?

Will 41,000 likes on Facebook strengthen the economy?

I didn’t think so either.

If we could stop doubting ourselves, comparing ourselves and believing someone is better than us, we may not be able to solve world hunger or economical issues, but we can better ourselves. And at the end of the day, leading a happy life should be just as much of a priority.

It took me years of doubting and comparing myself to really dig down deep and come to terms with the fact that I am who I am and I don’t need to change that for anyone. I’ll be honest, I still do it! But the thoughts have become much less frequent.

I believe that anyone can do so, for we all are beautiful and unique in our own individual ways.



Christina Marie
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

Lover of music, art and food. Future teacher of America! Previous Contributor for the Post-Grad Survival Guide.