Stop Working Yourself Into The Ground Already

Tom Kuegler
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
2 min readDec 20, 2016


This weekend I took Saturday and Sunday completely off. I expected to get absolutely nothing done, but the opposite happened: I wrote more than I had in months.

You might ask, “How the heck did that happen, Tom?”

Simple. I was finally writing for fun again.

Writing isn’t always fun — nor should it be! There’s days where I have to force myself to sit down and write, but 1,000 or so words later I’m almost always happy I did.

You see, I headed into this weekend very burned out from writing. If I would’ve made a list for my two-day break I would’ve sat in front of my computer on Saturday morning with a blank stare on my face. Then I would’ve beaten myself up for wasting four hours of my day doing nothing, thus stressing myself even more.

But a curious thing happened instead.

Two hours into my 48-hour break my mind started getting irresistible ideas to write about. So irrisistible, in fact, that I decided to sit down and write on my own accord.

I wrote three pieces of new content you’ll see on Huffington, my blog, and maybe Elite Daily. This is after writing five new stories per week for the Post-Grad Survival Guide (something I LOVE doing, by the way), and writing 40 hours per week at my day job.

It was kind of a surreal thing, for sure. Not often do the heavens open for me like that, but then again it’s not often that I take Saturday and Sunday off.

All of this evidence compels me to believe there’s something to taking the weekends completely off. The stories of entrepreneurs working 14 hour days every day for three years is straight crazy talk. Give yourself a break and you’ll see a HUGE difference in your productivity.

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