Take Steps for Yourself, Because No One Else Will

If you want something, break it into steps and achieve them.

Spencer Pollock
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Phil Botha/Unsplash

Do you have dreams? If you do, fantastic; if you don’t that’s okay too. I’ll rephrase and ask instead: do you have something you would like to do at some point in your life? Maybe it’s own your own home, take a trip to all 7 continents, start a dream business.

As 2020 is finally over and 2021 begins, culture dictates that we all take this point to start anew. New Year's resolutions go mainstream, and everyone has plans for how they’re going to begin again.

All dreams or goals are achievable. In this world today, it’s even more prevalent to reach for these accomplishments; to give every day to be your best and strive for more. Being good to yourself along the way and going for the gold. What is stopping you but you really?

These goals may seem far off. You may now just be “hoping” for them to come to fruition one day, so let’s say you don’t just dream, but want it. Well, how will you achieve it?

Make actionable steps

Something as big as traveling the world feels too out of reach. No one is going to come up to you and say, “I’ll pay for all your food, travel, and expenses for you to travel.” The only thing akin to that is…



Spencer Pollock
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

💻Software Engineer | Game Developer | DevOps | Project Enthusiest | Technical Writer — Working to make things simpler. I’ll tell you my story as it unfolds 📖