The 10 Commandments of Surviving an Entry-Level Job

Rules to live by if you’re starting at the bottom, or starting over

Kyle Chastain
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Photo: Wes Hicks/Unsplash

Let’s be honest. Entry-level jobs suck.

If you’re a recent graduate, you’ve probably figured out by now that most employers care more about your experience than a piece of paper saying you took some classes. It hits home when you start applying for that dream job only to discover you don’t have half the required experience. So you have to settle for a job you don’t want that has nothing to do with your degree.

Or you may be one of the 15% of adults who reported job loss because of the coronavirus. If so, you are facing some big changes going forward. Shifting careers can mean starting at the bottom — again.

You’re frustrated, scared, and maybe even a little embarrassed. Your friend’s careers look like they’re going great while you’re stuck in a place you never wanted to be. I get it, and I’ve been there myself. While I wouldn’t call it fun, I’ve learned a few helpful tips along the way.

Here are the 10 commandments of surviving the dreaded entry-level job.

Always play the game

There’s a line that’s attributed to Shakespeare: “Where e’er thou art, act well thy part.” It means…



Kyle Chastain
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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