The 4 C’s of the 21st Century

Sinem Günel
The Post-Grad Survival Guide
5 min readJan 29, 2019


The 21st century provides us with as many opportunities as never before in history.

Photo by pepe nero on Unsplash

Despite all the cruelty that is still taking place, we are living in the most peaceful years for decades.

Of course, we are facing new challenges and many difficulties but at many points, this century provides us with chances and opportunities that have never existed before.

Just some of the numerous opportunities that we have nowadays are:

✔️ You can start your own business with only a laptop and make a living

✔️ You can reach a huge number of people via the internet

✔️ Traveling and getting to know new cultures is easier than ever before

✔️ We have a vast range of choices when it comes to products and services

✔️ We have free access to a huge amount of information

All those possibilities and opportunities come with big changes in the needed skills and competencies.

Unfortunately, our educational system is lacking behind and is not adapted to the 21st century at all.

According to studies

While some highly needed competencies of the 20th century are becoming irrelevant, other ones are…

