The 5 Habits You Need to Implement Now for a Richer Future

These money-making habits are waiting to be activated

Max Phillips
The Post-Grad Survival Guide


Image: PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

I can probably guess one thing about you: you want to be rich. Well, me too.

To the people who say money can’t buy you happiness? I agree, but it can certainly help.

The problem is, the concept of wealth has eluded me somewhat. While I can imagine myself diving into a pool of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck, I can’t envisage a massive number in my bank account.

I’ve been thinking about the bigger picture — focusing on what I need to fix rather than what I need to improve.

In truth, you already exhibit money-making habits. You need help activating them.

Know what goes in vs what goes out

Every month, money comes in and goes out of your bank account. For the majority of people, it is in the form of a paycheck and odd jobs, with rent and other bills going out. But you already knew that.

It’s a simple principle, but knowing what you spend and how much you earn means you’re able to understand how much you’re able to spare, and what (if anything) you need to do to rectify it.



Max Phillips
The Post-Grad Survival Guide

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